An Email Newsletter For Entrepreneurs So You Can

Build A SmoothScaling™ Business And Maximize Your Life Profit™

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Get Systems You’ll Actually Use
Be In Control Of Your Business
Enjoy A Business That Serves Your Life

Do you want more systems & certainty and less chaos & second guessing?

  • Does your business consume your life more than you want?
  • Are you overwhelmed by everything you “should” be doing?
  • Are you always playing catch up, but never catching up?
  • Do most meetings & projects take longer than they should?
  • Are you sure you could do more, but unsure of what to do?


The only way to beat these challenges once and for all is the right system.


Take control of your business and turn it into a SmoothScaling™ Machine

What your peers are saying

“My team LOVES the meeting rhythm you helped us install! And I love that they love it. It makes all our lives so much easier! :)”
Nicole Heymer
“I don’t worry now. My clients? Thrilled. Every. Single. Time. My team? Excited. Now I can just focus on growth.”
Kasey Anton
“ identified the gaps and filled them with simple solutions. We DOUBLED our revenue with ZERO new hires.”
Shawn Van Dyke
“I come with fuzzy ideas. I leave with clear action steps and a simple tool or template. It's like magic!”
Peter Ruchti
“Results? Well, I have a full client roster. And I have clients who read my website and say 'Yep, I want that.' So that's cool. :)”
Christine Rico
“The Menu (from Tactical Vision™) was GOLD! It's sooo easy to explain what we do now AND we only do what we love.”
Scott de Fasselle
“I'm not the roadblock now! Our entire client experience runs on a click of a button & my team handles all of it!”
Tracy Jepson
“Profit is up 25% over last year while night and weekend work is down. And, for the first time ever, I can predict my income.”
Barry Alt
“My 'Before' Schedule: 8am-6pm (plus late nights). My 'Now' Schedule: 10am-3pm. And I don't worry a bit.”
Laura Sutherly

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